
I'm Jen, a lapsed photographer trying to become unlapsed. Delapsed? I'm trying to take photos again, is what I'm saying. At least part of the reason I stopped was that Flickr became too frustrating to use, and my general experience is that it's a lot easier for me to do something if I'm writing about it, so here we are.

I got my camera, a Nikon D60, in 2008 as a late graduation present and I fell in love with photography and all its works. I took that thing literally everywhere with me, even when it was really inconvenient to do so, and I would spend hours taking photos and messing around with editing. Then I got uninspired, and for the last couple of years my camera has been relegated to sitting on a tripod while I point a remote at it to get photos for my dressmaking blog, which is all well and good but doesn't require much in the way of creativity.

I haven't fully worked out the shape of this blog yet, except that it will contain photos I take and occasionally photos I took a long time ago. Occasionally I might have a thought and ramble about it, but I'll try and keep that to a minimum.

It seems rude to post without a photo, so here's one from St Ives a couple of years ago. I do have current photos ready to go, honest.


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